(408) 320-5509

About ParceLion

Who We Are

Parcelion Corporation is a Silicon Valley company created by IT, Real Estate, and Architecture professionals to empower consumers with information and tools to make smart decisions about real-estate investment, development, and remodeling.

What We Do

Based on our patent-pending technology, we offer unique set of viable web-services, resources, and tools to homeowners, buyers, investors, builders, contractors, architects, suppliers, retailers, agents, and many other parties who are circulating in real estate industry. We help consumers make smart real estate decisions and connect them with trusted professionals.

What's With the Name?

The company name "ParceLion" represents a real-estate fundamental concept of "parcel" signifying property lot and the lion as the creature symbolizing authority and respect. Our goal is to establish such real estate investment authority online to help consumers develop the best possible property on any chosen parcel in compliance with the local city or jurisdiction rules and regulations.